Carte de randonnée éditée par Harvey Maps idéale pour découvrir les sentiers nationaux de Grande Bretagne.
Description originale de l'éditeur :
Southern Upland Way is Britain's first official coast to coast long distance footpath and is one of Scotland's Great Trails. It runs 340km (212 miles) from Portpatrick on the south west coast of Scotland to Cockburnspath on the eastern seaboard. It offers superb and varied walking country, still undiscovered by many enthusiasts. The Way provides a real challenge for the experienced walker, yet some of the shorter stretches are suitable for families and the less ambitious.
ISBN/EAN : 9781851376025
Date de publication : 2022
Echelle : 1 / 40 000 (1 cm = 400 m)
Impression : recto
Dimensions plié(e) : 11,6 x 24,3 cm
Dimensions déplié(e) : 69,6 x 97,2 cm
Langue(s) : anglais
Poids :
70 g